Failure and Success

Facebook let me know the score. It was put-up or shut-up time.

"'one with the long socks' (a name improvised for me by one of "her" kids) you better catch a fishy using my wonderful fly or else you're fired =)"

The plan was to swing with her pink-and-purple bunny leech through the Salmon , without losing it, until it brought in a fish...or longer.

I thought I could at least pull a brown at the typical spot. I was wrong. And it got crowded fast.

The water was high, the sun was bright, I was discouraged. Headed north to visit a friend and ended up spending all sunday up there as well. We made a half-hearted (me being the half) run at a knee-high brook that had been producingthe day before. I saw a few, but hooked only branches.

Stopped off at another creek on the way back home. Ended up spending the entire afternoon there. Unfortunately, the size, layout, and snags made me give up on getting her fly to the fish. Fortunately, I had plenty of yellow and orange sucker spawn to offer up to the snag-lords and still entice a fish.

we'll see if she stays true to her word. all in all...if it means fish like that...i don't mind being out on the street again. was her fly that couldnt catch. Too bad I don't have the heart to fire her. I could i...?


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