It Comes in Threes (and 7's?)

What a week, what a week, what a week boys and girls.

A breakup, food poisoning and a minor hit-and-run sideswipe of the old horseless carriage.

Add to that 2 skunkings at the creek. Hey, at least I confirmed the trout were there. I saw them. Even got some takes/last second refusals. And I'm convinced that if I had looked at my fly a few casts earlier, I would have had at least 1 trout landed (a second bend at the point resulted in a total 360 degree bend to the hook...not too useful as far as penetration goes...damn that steel guardrail).

Headed north Sunday to try a real trout stream for the first time in a long time...hopefully this string of "luck" does not continue...should I head to the creek again tomorrow to get #3 out of the way...what if something actually takes? Does that doom Sunday's trip? Is it worth driving 2+ hours knowing nothing will be caught?

HAZAAH! I almost forgot! I already got my 3rd skunking this the Mohawk. Still, I am at a loss as to the best game plan for all this.

I need a drink to settle my thoughts.


Flying Ties said…
It seems like this has been a bad week for everyone everywhere.

I hope it gets better for you.

Just think, if you go out today and catch something then it sets up the whole weekend to be GREAT. Imagine, by Sunday when the temps have dropped, how active the fish will be if they are on a crappy day like today?!

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