Rolling the Dice

According to Colin Cowherd, all the greats got great by rolling the dice. I tend to agree. If you never take a chance, don't ever expect good things to just come your way. The key is knowing the right time to roll. Still, I'm pretty damn cautious generally speaking.

Yesterday had Mohawk flows appear to be nearing a return to something more reasonable, and I decided to risk life, limb, and a fishless day in hopes that levels would drop into prime smallie levels (anywhere near 1,500 cfs). Sadly they stayed up (5-6,000 cfs), and I had not so much as a tug in the raging waters. Joe did manage one little guy, so I didn't feel too bad for abandoning a perfectly good plan in favor of some risky wading. Hey, you win some, you lose some. It was still nice to have 360' of casting room, despite a bit of wind.

Tonight, methinks it's about time to check in on the creek again, see how she held up throughout all the rain, and if the trout that seemed absent during my last visit have yet returned. Hows that weather lookin?


Flying Ties said…
Weather is lookin' good, nice and warm.

I gotta be honest, the reports I'm getting from a lot of people is that the trout are hiding for the summer. That shouldn't stop you, by any means, or even lower your confidence level. Really, I've been hearing those reports since late June and that hasn't stopped me or any of my friends.

And, to further complicate things, I just read about someone local catching a good sized (18? 19?) Rainbow from shore with a fly (copper john).

Whatever you do, have fun! I'll be attacking the Hudson in a nice smallie spot tomorrow just before dark.

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