Awww, he just a baby

Met Alex in Cohoes yesterday...apparently he was expecting something more "gentlemanly" than a scruffy unshaven twenty-something...that's ok though, I was expecting him to actually put a fish or two on the line...his or mine, wouldn't have mattered. I kid...but seriously.

Actually, I had a blast. He took us to the carp, and they were plentiful...and hungry...just not stupid I guess. He tried to spot me to a few, but I think they were in a particularly spooky mood (or maybe I just smell worse than I thought) where we started out. So we switched tactics to work our way through the deeper (relatively) water, mixing up blind and sight casting.

The fish out nearer the channel seemed much more at ease (I had two boil on either side of me, within arms length, immediately after my cast, within 10 seconds of each other), but not enough to take our offerings. There were carp rooting, cruising, splashing and sipping off the surface, but nothing we came up with got more than a look. Well, I did end up with a 5" smallmouth on a desperation white wooley bugger. I knew I saw it disappear and thought "Finally, get we go!" Needless to say, he did not take me into my backing.

It was an ultimately frustrating and exciting experience. I found myself struggling to clean weeds off the fly in time to make a presentation to a passing fish, only to be utterly denied. Angling is the pursuit of an unknown potential against significant odds...for people like us, that's a large part of why it can be so addicting. Without having hooked one, carp have already hooked me.

Since the faster water (smallmouth) was pretty crowded at that point, Alex was kind enough to show me his public pond (for some reason, that just sounds dirty), where we nabbed a few panfish and small bass. Aside from a few bugs (and the patchy skin on my ankle from wet-wading through the muck/weeds/carp-crap), it was a nice way to round out the evening. I even got to break the 3wt back out for the first time in (? weeks ?). That was a completely strange feeling.

And now, back north this afternoon. Genny, Jack, campfires and smallmouth are all calling my name. I hate to disappoint...

tendonitis, please go away, i can feel you flaring up again


Flying Ties said…
Sounds like you had a good time with Alex. He's a guy I'd like to fish with a bit.

5" smallmouth are the theme right now. Its about all I can catch out of my normal river hole with the exception of the one in 10 larger bass. My idea is to leave the next one hooked and fish with it bait style. Is that ethical?

Kidding of course - have fun in my neck of the woods. I'm completely tied up with friends from out of town this weekend or I'd bug you to try to meet up somewhere for coffee and fiesty flat fish.

FoulHooked said…
Stopping in at Dog Shack on our way up to mouth is already watering. I may be up in Queensbury during the week next week at some point...I'll let you know.
Flying Ties said…
Please do - I'm in NJ Monday and Tuesday but will be back Tuesday night. Work trip I really don't need to go on but the boss says it will be good for me. Sure.

I'll make time if you end up up this way Wed, Thurs, or Fri.

Enjoy the Shack. Since they raised their prices I've gotten dirty dogs from dirty johns. Sure miss the cheese fries and fried cauliflower from the shack.

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