As usual, not so great to be home...

Everyone knows that feeling of returning home after a long trip. No matter how great the place (ummm...OK just okay) you just visited, there's always that great sense of welcome relief walking through that door. Of course, that welcome relief has a way of turning to blind rage when, 8 steps past the door, you find the tip of your prized 3 wt (hey, I can prize what I want to) decapitated and sitting on the kitchen table next to the fly that, before you left for parts unknown, had been tied to your leader.

Seriously guys, WTF. Now I know what Nate must feel like when he comes home to find the shoes are not all forcibly stacked in the fireplace. Only this time, someone may actually incur an expense. Thankfully, it's an LL Bean...but, if they don't give me a complete tip section, somebody is buying me just don't mess with a man's rod. I mean, destroying a coffee table with an ice axe is one thing (don't ask), but circumcising my graphite is completely unacceptable behavior.

And that folk(s?) is post #50. I'd like to thank the academy....

Seriously though, surprised I've made it this far. I think this is good for my sanity. Shoulda started a diary years ago.


Anonymous said…
Congrats on #50! It's weird how once you start, writing just becomes part of your daily routine. keep em coming!

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