
Showing posts from June, 2008

Life is good...

Maybe I'll get a chance to post some pics of "the good, the bad and the ugly" from last weekend. 12 straight hours of trolling brought us 7 brown trout...and a few other stories along the way. Hit the creek twice and the Kinderhook twice this week...water's been a bit high, not any signs of trout in the Kinderhook that I could see, but I know they're there. Most importantly, got a grab from a 14-16" trout on the creek with a simple fire-fly imitation I tied...basically just a brown foam beetle with a flo-yellow butt. Of course, he ran a few yards downstream through the boulders (masterfully handled by yours truly), and then tried to wrap himself under a downed tree. Now, the tree, being between myself and the pool, has always been a bit forbidding, but this was the first time it ever gave me any real trouble. With only 9' of reach (including my arm and some body-lean) I just couldn't get him to swim out from under the tree to where I could steer him t...

Petroleum Exploration in the Adirondack High Peaks

...a hypothetical. A twist on the great oil debate . The Adirondacks are one of the greatest places on earth, and a true rarity in the amount of (regulatory) protection offered over such a vast area. What would you do if your favorite wilderness area were under attack? Geologically speaking, rich petroleum deposits in the High Peaks are considerably less than likely (i.e., impossible), but I thought it was an interesting analog. What if garnet suddenly jumped in value?

The American Consumer... an idiot. No offense intended, all consumers worldwide are idiots. We are all idiots. OK, maybe not idiots, but irrational decision makers. We make short term decisions based on current needs, wants, and especially, on personal hardships, often without (or with much less than prudent) concern for future repercussions. This is bad for long term stability, both economic and ecologic. Kate Wing over at Blogfish puts it quite plainly, and quite well, why US oil exploration expansions won't help us fuel our SUVs . Not to get political, but it's getting quite irritating hearing people repeatedly clamor for loosening the strings to allow more drilling in the US, as if it will solve all our problems and help us pay for our children's' college. It isn't regulation that's hurting your purse, "it's the economy, stupid." And while we're at it, stop pushing for tax breaks and pricing subsidies on gasoline...that only exacerbates the situation. ...

"So what exactly did you come here for?"

If a casting instructor asks you this, it's probably for 1 of 2 reasons... -your form is good and they can't really see anything to help you with, or -you think your form is good and won't let them help you with anything because you are an ass Imagine my surprise when, Sunday afternoon, when Mr. LL Bean casting instructor was having trouble finding an area to improve my (basic) casting. Thankfully, through mutual examination, we were able to diagnose and work towards a remedy for my tailing-loop. (Recognition of the problem was mostly mine...the solution was all it's practice practice practice) Joe and I headed over to Wolf Road to check out the fly-casting "Walk-On Adventure" (which included neither adventure or much was more about a short bus-ride to a park and some valuable basic instruction). A simple overview of the 4-Part Cast and a couple additional pointers, and Joe had it down. The material covered was rather limited (stand...


Addicted with the first high, and from then on, every waking moment is focused on where, when and how you'll score your next one. The cravings consume you. Everything takes a back seat. Jobs, food, relationships, yard- and house-work, and friends take note of a downward spiral and voice their concern. Your boss informs you that your livelihood is in jeopardy . Any and all cash is spent on feeding the thirst as soon, or sometimes long before, it comes in. The (domestic partner) threatens (or indeed, carries out with) severing the relationship, dumping you in the street. It matters not, there is only one thing that concerns you. The fly rod is your syringe. I don't have time for a haircut or shave these days (often barely time for a shower). I temporarily return my line-clippers to their original duty of fingernail trimming for a few spare minutes while at the office. Dirty laundry heaps around my hamper. My car is littered with random fishing equipme...

Feel My Ubiquity

Just a reminder, invasive species are...well...invasive. Let's not make the problem any worse. Do your part. Sanitize your gear, drain your bilges (not bulges), spray down the know, the usual stuff. The last thing you want is to be responsible for spreading these guys to new waters... And while we're on the topic of things that can ruin a trip, why not pick up some trash on your next outing. See that ball of mono the last guy left on the bank...that's not doing anyone any good. If need be, this "volunteer work" can be an excuse to go fishing. "Honey, I'd love to mow the lawn, but I told Fred I'd help him clean up the neighborhood today."

Mama said there'd be days like this...

"Well, the positive side is that our trout and salmon population won't be hurt in the least. " That was the story out of Oak Orchard last weekend for Part II of IV for the Lake Ontario Pro-Am series. Over the two days, we boated only 3 keepers (if you're counting at home, that's one less than the 4 we got when, at the last minute, John abondoned us and promoted me to captain his boat). That's ok, there were more than a few teams that posted one zero...and even some that posted double-eggs. Our big fish of the derby was this 12-lb laker that hit 6-10' down over 450 ' or so of water, right as I was placing the rod in the holder immediately after letting it out (first line out) at 6:01 am on Sunday. ( edited per captain's comment below ) After Brian brought that guy in, we nabbed one little king, and after 6:30 we didn't boat another fish all day. Missed a couple steelies on the surface, but for the most part, Sunday was dead. Long drive, much m...


I have never been affiliated with, received gifts from, or otherwise maintained an inappropriate relationship with, L.L. Bean, Inc. (I did not have sexual relations with that man, Mr. Leonwood.) I have been, however, very satisfied so far with their offers and service on fly-gear and instruction... Two things to mention; first a follow-up to the Walk-On Adventures program: "I can't vouch for the instruction..." While I still cannot personally vouch for the level of instruction, I have been thoroughly assured that it is Top Notch. In fact, the Albany store has at least one FFF Certified Casting Instructor. In general (and as one might expect), L.L. Bean has a pretty strong legacy in the fly fishing instruction arena. Their head instructor is Macauley Lord, who's got some good literature out as well, including some stuff up on Midcurrent . I've also been told that it's quite possible to end up being the lone participant on occasion, in which case you essent...

Want to try casting a fly?

Live near an LL Bean? I can't vouch for the instruction, but at $15 for a couple hours of instruction , seems like a great alternative if you don't have someone to show you the ropes, or at least way to introduce yourself to fly-fishing (at least the casting part...doubtful that there is any actual fishing involve...but I could be wrong) without the need to spend money on gear and beginner's casting lessons. I wish this was around when I was getting going the last 2 seasons. So far, the only "instruction" I've had was at an informal TU event at Hovey Pond in Glens Falls some (10? 15?) years ago. Granted it was free, and I'm sure the instruction was valuable, but I can't say I took anything with me from it. With LL Bean now literally around the corner from the office (OK, 2 corners), it would have been a great way to re-introduce myself and actually learn how to cast. Oh well, I may check it some time anyway just to see what it's all about...we...

As usual, not so great to be home...

Everyone knows that feeling of returning home after a long trip. No matter how great the place ( ummm ...OK just okay) you just visited, there's always that great sense of welcome relief walking through that door. Of course, that welcome relief has a way of turning to blind rage when, 8 steps past the door, you find the tip of your prized 3 wt (hey, I can prize what I want to) decapitated and sitting on the kitchen table next to the fly that, before you left for parts unknown, had been tied to your leader. Seriously guys, WTF . Now I know what Nate must feel like when he comes home to find the shoes are not all forcibly stacked in the fireplace. Only this time, someone may actually incur an expense. Thankfully, it's an LL Bean...but, if they don't give me a complete tip section, somebody is buying me just don't mess with a man's rod. I mean, destroying a coffee table with an ice axe is one thing (don't ask), but circumcising my graphite is completely u...

There are no cats in America...

Oh Fievel , you were so naive. Unfortunately, there really are no trout in Central Oklahoma. I'm sitting in Tulsa Int. Airport, tres early for my flight, avoiding my "weekend takehome work" at Chili's. Naturally, interweb is a good diversion. You might check out the DayTripper's updated site, complete with forum . I did. It's more enjoyable than AutoCad . Apparently, he and Mr. Shaq will be attending the Clearwater Junction 2008 Fly Tying Show this weekend. Not that I'll be missed, but I can't make it this weekend. Prior commitments can be so burdensome ...but if the salmon are calling, I'll be there. Hopefully I'll be able to swing by Spey Nation in a few weeks...also on my way to Lake Ontario. It won't just be an experience, it is The Experience . Until then, someone's going to have to start buckling down at work. Just not today. Why are there cartoon mice still singing in my head? Surely it's not the strictly ...