I would be remiss if I didn't give Alex at least a little flak here; I mean sure, the guy can fish, he can write, he can tie, etc., etc. But I'm seeing a little flip-flopping from Mr. "I don't need no stinking 2-hander, leave me alone all you band-wagoners!" In the end, seems like it may have been more sour grapes than anything. Musta been hard forming that D-loop with the size of the chip on your shoulder there daytripper. And now he's playing the "This two handed business has soul" card? Baptized and confirmed? Now you're some kind of bonafide warm-and-fuzzies long-rodder (well, long-ish, it is only a switch)? Sell off your single-handers? I don't buy it and nobody else does either. Eh, who am I to judge? Aside from the fact that I didn't try to hide my interest and admiration of the style, I guess we're in the same boat. If I were in a position to, I'd welcome you to the club. As it is, I'll be happy to stand by y...